Russia is using a minor part of its military capability in Ukraine

Russia is using a minor part of its military capability in Ukraine
Fecha de publicación: 
8 July 2022
Imagen principal: 

Moscow, Jul 8 (Prensa Latina) Russia's presidential spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, assured that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are using a tiny part of their actual military capability in Ukraine.

The Kremlin spokesman made statements to the press suggesting a interpretation of the words of president Vladimir Putin, who accused the West of wanting to wage on Russia Russia “to the last Ukrainian” and predicted the failure of any attempts to defeat it in the field of battle.

“We haven’t even really started anything yet,” said the Russian president, referring to the ongoing military operation, at a meeting held on Thursday with the leaders of the parliamentary parties.

In this regard, Peskov clarified that “Putin has done nothing but remind that the capabilities are absolutely incomparable, and Russia’s in this regard is so enormous that only an insignificant part is being used in the special military operation.”

In this context, the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, also reproached the Western nations this Friday for putting obstacles to a negotiated solution to the armed conflict in Ukraine.

“If what they want is Ukraine’s victory over Russia on the battlefield instead of a negotiation, then we simply have nothing to talk about with the West because their position, in fact, does not allow Ukraine to start the negotiating process,” said the foreign minister to the press at the end of a G20 ministerial meeting in Bali, Indonesia.

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