Rejection in Argentina of the measure against Cubana de Aviación


Rejection in Argentina of the measure against Cubana de Aviación
Fecha de publicación: 
13 July 2024
Imagen principal: 

More than a thousand personalities and political, social and cultural organizations in Argentina have signed a letter sent today to Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF), rejecting its decision to suspend the supply of fuel to Cubana de Aviación.


The letter, prepared by the Argentine Movement of Solidarity with Cuba, the Club of Journalists Friends of the Island, the Association of Graduates of this Caribbean country and the Union of Cuban Residents here, rejects this measure, which was taken as part of the application of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States.


Among those who signed the letter were Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, writer Stella Calloni, political scientist Atilio Borón and the Communist Party's Secretary of International Relations, Jorge Kreyness.


The Central de Trabajadores de Argentina (CTA), CTA-Autónoma, Madres de Plaza de Mayo-Línea Fundadora, Liga Argentina por los Derechos Humanos, Red de Intelectuales y Artistas en Defensa de la Humanidad, Propuesta Tatu, Peronismo Revolucionario, among others, also expressed their support for the document.


Last March, YPF informed Cubana of its refusal to continue supplying fuel, in accordance with the U.S. siege, which caused the suspension of regular flights between the island and Argentina, maintained for 39 years.


We demand the immediate cancellation of this measure, which applies US laws in Argentina and violates our Constitution by subordinating itself to a foreign country. We demand the immediate intervention of the Executive Branch through the National Civil Aviation Authority," the letter states.


Likewise, it specifies that this decision affects more than five thousand Cuban residents in this South American country and their families on the island, preventing the normal meeting between families, it also harms trade with small and medium enterprises and, in general, Argentine citizens who have the inalienable right to travel anywhere in the world, it adds.


The document indicates that this action is applied by invoking U.S. To apply in our territory the laws of another state is to renounce our sovereignty, to hand over the decisions of the executive to a third country and to become subjects, which, according to our Constitution, is to become "traitors to the fatherland," it points out.


This decision is an insult to the historical relations between the peoples of Argentina and Cuba. Let us remember that in 1890 President Miguel Juárez Celman appointed the Cuban hero José Martí as Consul in New York.


Furthermore, the text confirms that both nations have gone a long way in defending the peace, freedom and independence of the peoples of Our America, which is why this inappropriate, inexplicable, ridiculous and knee-jerk attitude with which YPF refuses to supply fuel to Cuba must be reversed, it concludes.

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