Mongolia donates $1 million in aid to Cuba

Mongolia donates $1 million in aid to Cuba
Fecha de publicación: 
3 July 2024
Imagen principal: 

Mongolia donated one million dollars to the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) in Cuba to support the food security of vulnerable and pregnant individuals registered for the Social Assistance program in the provinces of Villa Clara and Cienfuegos, ReliefWeb reports.

This contribution marks a historical milestone as it is one of the first times that Mongolia has donated funds to WFP - reaffirming their international solidarity and commitment to Zero Hunger.

"This humanitarian aid is an expression of the warm sentiments of the Mongolian people dedicated to the Cuban people who are going through complex social and economic times," Ambassador of Mongolia in Cuba Zoljargal Sesee said.

The contribution will enable WFP to meet the food needs of around 50,000 people, including 2,900 pregnant women and more than 44,600 vulnerable people. WFP purchased 400 tons of rice, 107 tons of cooking oil and 250 tons of grains that will be distributed.

Each person will receive two kg of rice, one kg of green peas and one litre of oil, which will be delivered every other month for a period of six months. The food will be distributed through local government stores and will be in addition to the standard family baskets provided by authorities.

"This donation is part of the work being done by WFP to contribute to the country's socioeconomic recovery. WFP stands by its commitment to continue supporting national authorities to promote the consumption of nutritious food in vulnerable groups," WFP Representative in Cuba Etienne Labande noted.

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