Mesa Redonda today will report on the government's economic measures


Mesa Redonda today will report on the government's economic measures
Fecha de publicación: 
16 July 2020
Imagen principal: 

Cuban government officials will appear this Thursday on the prime time radio and TV program "Mesa Redonda" (Round Table) to report on economic measures adopted by the government.

Vice President of the Republic Salvador Valdés Mesa, Deputy Prime Minister Alejandro Gil Fernández, Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment Rodrigo Malmierca, President of Cimex and General Director of Tiendas Caribe will explain these economic measures.

Cubavisión, Cubavisión Internacional, Canal Caribe, Radio Rebelde, Radio Habana Cuba and the Youtube channels of the Mesa Redonda and the Presidency, and the Facebook pages of Cubadebate will broadcast this program live from 6:00 p.m..


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