International observers to report on elections in Bolivia


International observers to report on elections in Bolivia
Fecha de publicación: 
20 October 2020
Imagen principal: 
La Paz, Oct 20 (Prensa Latina) The international observers in Bolivia´s elections will inform the electoral authorities about Sunday´s elections won by the Movement for Socialism (MAS).
The President of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), Salvador Romero, highlighted the significance of reports by representatives of the UN, the European Union, the Carter Center and other organizations that served as international observers during the general elections in Bolivia.

These elections took place on Sunday supported by a strong military deployment, an atypical and unconstitutional situation, several activists denounced.

Over 7.3 million Bolivians voted and elected the highest authorities of the country.

The MAS candidate, Luis Arce, got the necessary votes to avoid a second round against Citizen Community party´s candidate, Carlos Mesa, according to the website enabled by TSE,

TSE will issue the official results on Wednesday.

The law sets down that to win in the first round you must get 50% plus one of votes, or at least 40% with an advantage of 10% over the second most voted.

The inauguration of the new president must take place from October 31 and December 30.

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