GALLERIES: Photography Intervened in ArteMorfosis
The Havana headquarters of the ArteMorfosis platform, dedicated to the promotion of art made in Cuba, exhibits an exhibition of digitally intervened photography.
These are the pieces of some of the participants in the Prisma contest, which is held to stimulate and recognize artistic production among Cuban creators.
Designer Dave Perurena has been the winner of the unique prize awarded by the jury. Other finalist artists appear, along with the winner, in the group exhibition: Frank Baltonado, Leo de la O and Lídise Domínguez, Anyel Díaz, Nadia Díaz, Natasha Forcade, Reinier Garcés, Gabriela López, Kevin Oramas, Claudia Padrón, May Reguera, and Lissette Solórzano.
The call for this seventh edition of Prisma contest was very broad and comprehensive, as it involved several stylistic and conceptual possibilities, and the use of dissimilar computer programs.
One of the goals of ArteMorfosis is to stimulate the integration of technologies into artistic practices, without assuming them as a purpose in themselves, but as a means for the creation of new aesthetic proposals.
That’s why the contestants were asked to send the original material, the photograph that would be digitally altered. The jury rewarded precisely the new artistic implications of the resulting works, the way in which the artist enriched, transformed (or even fractured) the initial photo.
The creativity of the participating artists was demonstrated: a good part of the group stood out for their originality.
The way in which the artists socialized their works on social networks, particularly on Instagram, was also valued. That is another of ArteMorfosis' goals: that creators become familiar with the still insufficiently used platforms for the promotion and commercialization of art in the digital universe.
Intervened photography is much more than just photography. It’s art of confluences, with potentialities that seem almost infinite.
The exhibition is opened throughout April at 11 and 8 Street, No. 912, apt 3, Vedado.
Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff
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