Cuba’s Book Fair commits itself to the video game industry


Cuba’s Book Fair commits itself to the video game industry
Fecha de publicación: 
19 February 2025
Imagen principal: 

The International Book Fair of Havana proposes today at the headquarters of the Cuban Institute of Cultural Research (ICIC) Juan Marinello the presentation of a book related to the latest technologies. 
Activities related to Cuba’s most important literary event will take place this Tuesday throughout the day, but the main attraction of ICIC’s program will take place at noon when the pages of the text “Cultural public policies for the video game industry in Cuba will be opened.

Towards a design proposal, by researcher Hamlet Lopez.

The offer is backed by the publishing house of the Marinello Institute itself, a center that will also put on sale this day the work “Tales, legends and fables of Cuban oral expression” (volume I and II), by Ana Vera and Iralia Garcia.

The 33rd Cuban Book Festival takes place from February 13 to 23, an event that every year brings together audiences from different corners of the world, as well as intellectuals, artists, researchers and other professionals to exchange about the publishing sector, its challenges, achievements and guidelines to be followed in an increasingly globalized world.

The event is dedicated this year to South Africa, as guest of honor, as well as to Francisca López Civeira (National History Award 2008) and Virgilio López Lemus (International Humanities Research Essay Prize “Millares Carlo” 2004 and Rafael Alberti Prize of the Havana International Poetry Festival 2018).

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