Cuban health minister highlights altruism of medical collaborators

Havana, May 23 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Minister of Public Health (MINSAP) JosE Angel Portal on Tuesday praised the collaborators who have unconditionally and altruistically reached so many places to protect life under any circumstances.
Portal pointed out in a congratulatory message on the 60th anniversary of Cuba’s Medical Collaboration abroad that healthcare professionals and technicians have brought hope and life to millions of people around the world, carrying a backpack on their shoulders, loaded with strength, knowledge, sensitivity and fears.
There are facts that, so eloquent, do not need words to transcend time. The history of Cuba’s medical collaboration, which began six decades ago, on May 23, 1963, in Algeria, is full of these facts, some of which are anonymous, while others are well known.
Cuba is proud of the more than 600,000 healthcare cooperators who in these 60 years have brought hope and life to millions of people, often in extremely complex scenarios, the Minister said.
In his congratulations, Portal underscored that with their work, the Cuban Revolution’s is enhanced and Cuba reaffirms its essence of solidarity, a path laid out by Fidel and which today the new generations continue to build.
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