Cuba to host 2024 Russian Film Show

The 2024 Russian Film Show, scheduled to be held in this city on September 19-22 and dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Mosfilm studio, will start with the screening of the film Khitrovka, the Sign of Four.
According to Marla Almaguer, programming director of the Cuban Film Institute (ICAIC), both recent and classic Russian movies will be exhibited, including Andrei Rublev, Stalker, Solaris, Vladivostok, White Tiger, Afonya and On the Road to Berlin.
ICAIC president Alexis Triana stressed that the film show, bound to pave the way for exchanges between Cuba and Russia, is not about political propaganda but art, given the significance of presenting the aforesaid masterpieces to the new generations.
On his end, Russian ambassador Viktor Koronelli praised the cultural ties that unite both countries, especially in the field of cinema, and the recent visit to his country of a Cuban delegation headed by Minister of Culture Alpidio Alonso to promote international cooperation projects.
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