A Coup is Looming in Peru


A Coup is Looming in Peru
Fecha de publicación: 
1 September 2021
Imagen principal: 

Just as they had to do to avert victory from being snatched from Pedro Castillo in the last presidential elections, Peruvian men and women took the streets again to protest against new coup attempts by a reaction made up of elements that want to avoid possible imprisonment of Keiko Fujimori, to instill discontent of the high ranking officers and former retired soldiers and take advantage of the numbers in the legislature, where he controls 93 out of the 130 seats.

The first steps to outrage a democracy that tries to be partaking began on the day of the electoral victory, but now they have escalated since they managed to remove Héctor Béjar from the chancellery, in what could be the beginning of an ultra-reactionary counteroffensive.

Béjar had to vacate his position, which he only held for a fortnight, after a right-wing libel published old statements stating that the CIA was behind the creation of the Shining Path organization and it has been historically proven that the Navy had to do with the origin of terrorism.

The coup strategy is centered on the Congress, dominated by the right, which has presented the Guinness record of 19 motions to question seven ministers in just 15 days of government and threatens the unprecedented and unusual fact of not granting confidence to the newly appointed administration, with the sole reason that they don’t like the ministers.

At the same time, these reactionary sectors try to overthrow the popular government, recently in power, using the figure of "presidential vacancy due to moral incapacity", a diffuse and discredited figure, part of the worn out and in crisis institutional structure.

In addition, this coup right wing seeks to appoint new members of the Constitutional Court to act as a lock to prevent the Constituent Assembly and other necessary changes that were voted at the polls as a program and commitment of President Pedro Castillo.


As if Congress weren’t enough, this right has communication monopolies as part of its weapons, which show the same partiality, aggressiveness and racism against the government that they showed against the popular candidate during the electoral campaign.

In addition, the economic and financial powers speculate on the price of the dollar and food, punishing the population in order to generate anxiety and feed the coup environment against the government.

And now it counts on the express complicity of sectors from the Navy commanders, who have committed the unconstitutional, flagrant, and public crime of deliberation, questioning former Foreign Minister Béjar, based on his aforementioned statements, made before occupying said position and manipulated, decontextualized, and misrepresented by biased disinformation media.

In turn, they are supported by the judicial and legal framework in favor of the dominant and imperialist interests to selectively execute strategies of politics judicialization, lawfare, against anyone who represents a threat to the infinite appetite for accumulation of the mediocre Peruvian oligarchy.

From the unfortunate experiences in other countries, it’s known that these sectors are not in a hurry to use the most brutal repression and violation of human rights to keep their privileges and continue to obey imperialism.

This is shown by those politicians, journalists and the military who are outraged by historical truths, but remain silent in the face of the sale of their country, the hunger of their people and the more than 200,000 deaths due to an epidemic aggravated by poor quality in public health.

Hence the importance of the organization and active mobilization of the people, political social organizations, and all sectors of the Peruvian people, in streets, fields, and highways, in order to stop the coup d'état underway against the legitimate government of Peru, in which active international solidarity also holds significance.

Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff

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