And Michael Mirabal wrapped Matanzas in his arms

I loved this picture. Perhaps there is nothing like a hug to ease the pain. Perhaps kids always move me, but above all, I have not stopped using this hashtag #MatanzasNoEstaSola these days and pictures like these prove me right.
Among so many signs of solidarity, renowned plastic artist Michael Mirabal was one of them. On his way to donate his own blood to the injured of the major accident that took place in the super tanker oil depot in Matanzas last August 5th, he told us via WhatsApp that he also donated 400,000 CUP (Cuban Pesos) in cash and a substantial amount of provisions for firefighters, evacuees and homes for infants without filial protection.
He was planning to spend a few days in Varadero with his girls when the news radically changed his plans. On Sunday, August 7, he was already in Matanzas, to "see on Monday what we can do to help.”
The photo was taken in one of the student facilities that welcomed the families evacuated due to the proximity of their homes to the accident. Michel arrived there. He walked around Matanzas when the black smoke stole its natural beauty and all its joy, but the province still preserved its hospitality and, in the words of the artists: “the will to help:”
“When you say you have come to help, people do not let us pay for any service: transportation or lodging. We have been invited by several grateful people to their homes and there is also a group of artists who have committed themselves to help in whatever is needed.”
When he returned to the capital, Michel Mirabal had "the satisfaction of being able to help. I also saw how My People is able to get together in difficult times and recover together. Hopefully, this unity can be used in all of our problems. I am not losing hope...”
Neither hope nor solidarity, I had just finished reading his first messages when the chat rings again: “Ah, I forgot something. I am coordinating to bring a shipment of medicines on a plane that will land in Matanzas with donations from several of my clients. I have already the green light from the country and we are collecting the medicines right now.”
Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff
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