After the elections, Cuban leaders committed to improve government

Following the confirmation of the results of the national elections held on March 26 in Cuba, in which 470 lawmakers were elected to the Cuban Parliament, the country's leadership expressed its commitment to improve the Government's performance.
The turnout of 6,164,876 voters in the elections, which represents 75.87 percent of an updated electoral roll of 8,129,321 Cubans was the prime news this week on the island, where President Miguel Díaz-Canel ratified the commitment of his administration with the people and the working class.
The electoral results are considered as a sign of the citizens’ support to the revolutionary process, hence the president pointed out that they are also a commitment to improve the political system, mass organizations and State institutions.
On Friday, at the 63rd Plenary Session of the National Council of Cuba’s Labor Federation (CTC, in Spanish), the head of state pointed out that the figures achieved in the vote are the result of the heroic resistance of Cubans, in the midst of shortages and hardships.
We will have to respond to this with solutions, support and the ability to exercise more efficiently the work of the Government and of the National Assembly, he added.
Those elected to the 10th Legislature of the Cuban Parliament represent all sectors of society, and the high presence of women and young people among the new legislators stands out. They will be in charge, once they sit in their first plenary session on April 19 to elect their Speaker, the country’s leadership and approve the councils of State and Ministers.
They will also be in charge of approving new laws and following up on the implementation of those already adopted, but fundamentally, they will have to turn the Parliament more and more into the living image of society’s debates, in order to promote the changes that the nation needs.
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