Cuba’s Presence in Acapulco Book Fair Makes Headlines in Mexico

Acapulco, Mexico.-The presence of a Cuban delegation in the upcoming global relaunch of the International Book Fair in Acapulco (FIL-A) made headlines on Saturday in Mexican media.
‘Acapulco honors Cuba’ was the headline in the Excelsior newspaper, founded in 1917. It is the second oldest paper in Mexico City.
This publication highlighted the presence by late this month of Cuban intellectuals Waldo Leyva, Alex Pausides and Cecilio Aviles, two renowned poets and a cartoonist, respectively, among others, in this resort of Mexico’s Pacific coast.
For its part, the cultural news agency of Canal 22 Mexico published an interview with Julio Moguel, curator of the FIL-A.
He noted the tribute to be paid during the event to Cuban National Poet Nicolas Guillen and his collection of poems ‘Songoro Cosongo’, as part of the fair dedicated to African descendants.
Cuban national identity will be present in the FIL-A, according to ‘Cuadrante Azul’, an agency that publishes news mainly from the State of Guerrero.
The 4th International Book Fair, Acapulco 2016, will open the last Sunday of September and will run for seven days.
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