Circuba 2016 Gathers Latin American Asian and European Talents

Havana, Jul 6 (Prensa Latina) Artists from Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe and Asia will be present at the 15th International Circuba 2016 from July 11 to 17 in this capital.
The event of its kind with more relevance in Latin America includes the participation of famous personalities of this art, among them US David Adam Adamovich, a famous and the fastest knife thrower in the world, the Ecuadorian group Enominne Danza Aérea and Taiwanese Shih- Hao Yang, Argentinean Maria Celeste and others.
The Cuban participation will be ensured with Compañía Havana.
The event is dedicated to the 90th birthday of Fidel Castro and the 35 years of the event.
The contest will take place in Havana's Carpa Trompoloco, where also there will remain two exhibitions shaped by photos, engravings and other artistic declarations.
On having finished the festival, a representation of the presented in the event will travel round almost the whole national territory, to offer 75 shows, with clowns and other surprises.
Established in 1981, Circuba is the most ancient third event of its type of the world, only preceded by that of Monte Carlo (1974) and the Festival of the Circus of Tomorrow (the Young Track in Paris, 1977).
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