Daddy be Strong, Everything is Going to be Alright

“Daddy be strong everything is going t be alright, all Cuba is waiting for you", wrote today in a message to Cubasí Alejandro Baez, the son of the Cuban doctor recently diagnosed with the Ebola virus while struggling against the disease in Sierra Leone.
“Daddy be strong everything is going t be alright, all Cuba is waiting for you", wrote today in a message to Cubasí Alejandro Baez, the son of the Cuban doctor recently diagnosed with the Ebola virus while struggling against the disease in Sierra Leone.
"Hello I am Felix's son. My name is Alejandro", so begins his comment the youngster who studies in his sophomore year majoring in a Military Medicine School.
In his message Alejandro thanked "all those who one way or another encourages and give hopes to our family and my father" and he "also recognized the health authorities that made possible the immediate treatment my dad received after he was diagnosed and transferred to Geneva to be hospitalized with every means necessary."
I know everything is going to be alright and in a few months this will be just another story to tell, he said.
"I also want to encourage those who still carry this beautiful work despite the risks that implies and I truly appreciate them for taking care of my dad while I can’t be around, all our hopes are with you. Best regards for all of you. Dad be strong everything is going to be alright, Cuba is waiting for you". He signs his small but emotional text Ale FCB.
Since the news was broadcasted that Dr. Felix Baez Sarria, specialist in Internal Medicine and member of the International Brigade “Henry Reeve” was ill in Sierra Leone, hundreds of Cubans have expressed their solidarity and sent encouraging messages to the doctor, his family, as well as to the rest of Cuban collaborators who help in Africa.
At our website has received comments like this:
"Alejandro, I support your cause. You do well to tell your dad that: CUBA IS WAITING FOR HIM. Felix, this people supports you and is confident you will pull through", says JotaHenry; while Mayte wrote: "Everything must go alright. Such altruism and a great solidarity, from our giants (our Cuban doctors) will never be in vain. Thanks to Felix and to the rest of the Cuban delegation that represent us in the face of the world. Thanks to his son and all his family for understanding such noble deed."
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