Salvador Valdes Mesa Assessed the Service of Social Centers in Havana


Salvador Valdes Mesa Assessed the Service of Social Centers in Havana
Fecha de publicación: 
9 August 2018
Imagen principal: 

Cuba's First Vice President Salvador Valdes Mesa characterized on Wednesday in Havana as favorable the work of the social centers in the Cuban capital in its objective of offering recreational services to the population.

During a tour through four of the 11 installations of the Workers Social Centers Company in Havana, he experienced the reparation and maintenance process that was carried out this year aimed at improving the sites located in the western coast of the province.

The First Vice President spoke with the personnel and exchanged with people that were enjoying the cultural, sports and restaurant options, which they characterized as good quality and variety of offers.

Valdes Mesa told the press that there is a policy directed at the centers in strengthening the recreation of the workers and family, in addition to the neighbors of the site with prices in accordance to the wages of the population.

Due to the deterioration of the social centers in Havana, a total recovery of the sites will not be finished in the short term, he said, but said that they will continue with the intense work of recovering all the recreational installations.

He recalled that the President of the Council of State and Ministers Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez recommended expanding the services to students; organize night activities and performance of popular groups during his recent visit to the centers.

Salvador Valdes Mesa pointed out that hard work is underway to improve the city that will celebrate its 500th anniversary next year with important construction actions in the health care and educational sector.

According to the Director of the company, Eustaquio Pages Leon, that an investment is underway to replace furniture, supplies and refrigeration equipment that will allow the centers to confront the summer months with better comfort for the population.

Kitchens, bathrooms and showers have been repaired and restaurant and bar areas have been constructed in order to offer the best services to the population, he said.

Pages Leon highlighted the support of the Communist Party and government of the province of Havana with supplies and affirmed that the entity has prioritized expanding the options to the workers.

He stressed that there are still a lot to do to like the construction of beach umbrellas, maintenance and painting of the pools and the reparation of change of air conditioning and refrigeration systems.

Access to the social centers during the summer months is through invitations that are distributed by the labor unions in work places in addition to the membership cards.

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