The government takes a turn in its foreign policy in favor of dialogue with Venezuela and Cuba

The Government of Pedro Sánchez has embarked on a new stage in its relationship with Venezuela and Cuba different from that of its predecessor. The hard line, penalties, lack of contacts at highest level and even statements of respective ambassadors as non-grates have been relegated to a new climate of "dialogue". This has been expressed this week by foreigner, Josep Borrell, his Venezuelan counterpart, Jorge Arreaza, and same did a high position of Ministry to Cuban chancellor, Abelardo Moreno.
The second edition of Summit of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of European Union and Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), held on Monday and Tuesday in Brussels, served as perfect scenario to materialize a relevant change of Criterion in international policy of Spanish executive. The meeting was attended by 33 states representing some 600 million people. At margins of meeting, in private offices, Minister Borrell took time to meet for half an hour with Arreaza. And on or hand, so did Secretary of State for Latin America, Juan Pablo de la Iglesia, at request of his Cuban counterpart, in what was first meeting of new executive with an authority of island.
The symbolic significance of Monday's talk with Borrell remarked subsequent reaction of Arreaza himself, who published on Twitter this optimistic message with several photos of meeting: "held a cordial and productive meeting. Both governments are committed to dialogue with mutual respect and comprehensive cooperation.
"Last January, Spain and Venezuela came to withdraw ir respective ambassadors for a new political crisis between two countries. The Caribbean authorities assured that Mariano Rajoy and his foreign minister, Alfonso Dastis, were leading in European Union a tough strategy of sanctions against Venezuelan leaders. At end of May, Dastis still held in public and before EU need for an "increase of pressure" towards Venezuelan government with sanctions to more people, "unilateral and restrictive" to convince regime of Nicolas Maduro that it was to seek "a way out Auntically Democratic "for your country.
Waiting to concrete trip to island
With regard to first meeting of Government with a Cuban authority, exteriors found will to "deepen and broaden valuable and constructive bilateral relationship that unites both countries" after overcoming previous common position of blockade of EU. Spain now trusts that new Cuban Government "can successfully address important challenges before it and undertake pending reforms" and is offered to "help and accompany in its transformation process". Cuban official sources valued "The good sign" of this "gesture" and wait to concretize from September a state trip "to maximum level" to island, but already in 2019.
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