Cuban Medical Team holds 16th Scientific Forum

The Cuban Medical Team in The Gambia, on Saturday held their Sixteen Scientific Forum to further research and share experiences among themselves.
The forum was held at the former Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital (RVTH) on Independence Drive in Banjul.
The Cuban ambassador to The Gambia, Lazaro Herrera M. explained that the forum was for studies, analysis, experiences and efforts shared by a group of enthusiastic Cuban and Gambian professionals who, without abandoning their fundamental duties in the different regions where they provide services, have dedicated part of their time to research inspired by the purpose of offering the best of their medical experience to the Gambian population.
“There is no more noble or honourable work than that which you are doing. I am pleased to recall at this moment that with the celebration of these events, different generations of Cuban health collaboration who have served in The Gambia in different period of time, have been materialising for sixteen years; the initiative of eternal Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro, the main inspirer of scientific research in Cuba,” he stated.
He express with delight to know that this year; a group of Gambia health professionals have joined their Cuban colleagues to carry out several research projects which is appreciated. He added that hopefully that is the beginning of a joint effort and that in years to come, they can achieve a greater number and a stronger integration between health workers of both countries for the common goal of defending in the best possible way the most human of all the rights, the right to life and to enjoy a healthy life.
Ambassador Herrera assured them that at the end of the occasion, some of them will be well deserved and acknowledged for the papers presented.
Head of Department of Basic Science, UTG, Dr. Rebecca Lahera Cabrates, said that their work in the country is hard but they rejoice so many successes.
“Today is a day of scientific festivity where we will see our daily work turn into science. Let this gathering be a greater commitment with our work in the teaching research and medical services,” she prayed.
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