USA, Always a Wolf: Latent Imperial Threat

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USA, Always a Wolf: Latent Imperial Threat
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3 June 2024

Every time a North American government dictates some measure regarding Cuba, you can be certain that it will be 99% harmful and the rest will contain some variant to try to split the valuable moral weapon of unity, which keeps the Revolution alive, despite the criminal blockade of more than six decades.

Even the most recent decision by Joe Biden's government to facilitate the development of private traders in Cuba aims to split citizens and increase current differences that, despite this, will be accepted.

Measures of this kind, to benefit the private commercial force, were among Barack Obama's plans when he decided to change the failed and cruel style of confrontation through persuasion, establishing diplomatic relations, although the crushing blockade remained in force in defiance to the entire world (except Israel) and the North American tourism remained prohibited.

Then Trump arrived, and although he kept diplomatic relations, he strengthened the blockade with hundreds of measures that Biden maintained, despite promising three times in his candidacy campaign that he was going to eliminate them, a complete complacency with the Miami followers, constantly flattered by his vice president - a mix of black and Asian.


In Cuba, Kennedy inherited Eisenhower's policy of blockade and formal plans to overthrow the Cuban government, and quickly intensified them with the invasion of the Bay of Pigs or Playa Girón.

The failure of the aggression caused hysteria in Washington, which took advantage of those traded by fruit compote to give them sabotage tasks, attacks on fishermen and their families, murders of literacy brigade members and their peasant students and maintain armed gangs in Escambray and Matanzas, in addition to hijacking civilian ships and planes and launching counterrevolutionary leaflets from small planes.

Kennedy privately admitted, not without reason, that America's allies thought the Cuba issue had driven the American government into hysteria.

He launched a terrorist campaign to bring the horrors of the Earth to Cuba, according to the phrase of his advisor, the historian Arthur Schlesinger, in reference to the project assigned by the President to his brother Robert.

Thus the world was put on the brink of destruction and, after the missile crisis passed, the terrorist attacks and the CIA's attempts to assassinate Fidel were resumed.


Cuba remained on a list of terrorist countries and after Kennedy made plans to change the situation somewhat, with protests from the counterrevolutionary followers and discontent from the spy agencies, he was assassinated.

His successor, Johnson, somewhat relaxed the terrorism that, however, continued during the 1990s. But he did not allow Cuba to live in peace.

Much more needs to be written on this topic, nothing new in North American policy against Cuba, such as when Theodore Roosevelt called it an “infernal little Cuban republic,” when venting his fury over Cuba's resistance to accepting the 1898 invasion to block its liberation from Spain and turn it into a virtual colony.

Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff

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