Finca de los Monos, indolence and silence sheltering lies


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Finca de los Monos, indolence and silence sheltering lies
Fecha de publicación: 
11 June 2024

My daughter could have been there. A few days before, some friends asked her to go to a sort of leisure activity at La Finca de los Monos, probably the same that went sadly viral on social networks in recent days. Fortunately, the plan did not work out and my teenager and her friends were safe by the same everything unleashed there.

In fact, I spent my whole Saturday trying to solve some personal issues and barely had time to surf on the internet. Hence, I was informed about the events by a friend living abroad. To the snapshots and videos, a stunning phrase was attached: This is how minors behave in Cuba!

My friend loves Cuba. But she is far away and is a mother. So the news affected her very much. She searched for what me and her believe are reliable sources: institutions involved or mass media, but we found nothing. It is hard to remain calm before the attacks of irresponsible, unfeeling people on social networks who grabbed their cellphones and started recording and then made shameful jokes. And yes, the anti-Cuban haters were again involved, looking for anything to attack us shamelessly.

ies were told with no shame or mercy about death, especially the death of children. In twelve hours, we witnessed everything: fake news, sensitive people offering heartfelt condolences, furious families belying the death of their children, people who took advantage of the situation and started speaking ill about the bad music and the government, according to their needs.

Sadly, half a day were enough to see in Instagram stories of teenagers either concerned or excited commenting on the news, in all the image of the dehumanization that the empire of likes has sown.

What happened this Saturday at La Finca de los Monos is, in many respects, concerning. It presents us lots of questions as a society, especially as parents. It showcases some things we do not want to see, but we better take care of business soon.

But what happened on social networks, after the real life events, should also concern all of us and solve the problem once and for all. Several lies could have vanished if they were never sheltered by the silence of those who owned the truth. We needed to wait for twelve hours, while the enemy gave himself the pleasure of making up stories and manipulating, as it has happened several times before. 

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff

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