Elite League: The Controversy is Here

Elite League: The Controversy is Here
Fecha de publicación: 
11 January 2024

Like Matanzas did, Artemisa travels with a couple of victories at the start of the postseason of the II Elite Cuban Baseball League, but in addition what has raised most talk about that semifinal was a specific action that sparked controversy everywhere.

This is the application for the first time in our baseball of the rule referring to the impossibility of catchers blocking the home plate when a runner tries to slide in the home plate.

In theory it seems easy to put into practice what we’ve seen for years in the best worldwide, but unfortunately the refereeing procedure was not the best.

It happened in the first inning, when Frederich Cepeda passed by the home plate without stepping on it, avoiding Óscar Valdés, who evidently blocked him illegally according to the new rule.

Almost half an hour was lost because first it was decreed a save play, then it was out and then save again, all of this peppered by explanations to the coaches of both teams that weren’t the best, because after the final call (the one it needed to be taken since the beginning) Guillermo Carmona was expelled.

It's true that the final outcome was correct, but it ended with an expulsion that may have influenced the result of the game, and I say this because later, in the fifth inning, decisions were made in Industriales bench that I don’t know if Carmona approved.

There were two outs on the scoreboard when Dennis Laza ran like a madman and won, after complaining to the video, a save on the first base that could end up being historic Industriales won 3x2.

After a hit of Alexander Mayeta, who remained as second coach, he decided to intentionally walk José Antonio Jiménez (not Cepeda or another more recognized hitter). As if this were not enough, when starter Pavel Hernández had the next batter in two balls, he took him out to bring in reinforcement Yaniesky Duardo, who had barely warmed up.

Hernández had an excellent start and was one out away from winning, while Duardo, used to pitching late in thew game, needed more time to warm his arm. Result, a walk that forced the tie, and then a hit that left the score 5x3 in favor of the locals and would have been enough for the victory.

I repeat, I don't know if Carmona ordered these moves (nowadays with communication technologies an expelled coach can keep control over his team from the stands), but even if that were the case he must have been affected by the unfair expulsion.

Everything else are words of praise more than deserved for left-pitcher Liván Moinelo, who has recovered from an injury that required him to undergo surgery. The man from Pinar del Río surpassed 95 miles when he wanted and dominated with his devilish breaks to give a little polish to this Elite League.

Artemisa must also incorporate its captain Dayán García for the three remaining games in the Latino Americano Stadium, so this series looks very bad for Industriales.

Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff

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