A Biennial in the South


In this article: 
A Biennial in the South
Fecha de publicación: 
29 August 2021

Since its opening, on August 4th, and until November 29th, the IV Biennial of the South, Pueblos en Resistencia, is taking place in Venezuela. This edition is held virtually and has the people of Colombia as its guest of honor.

Emerging art. Art rooted in traditions and demands of the people. Resistance art. It’s the convocation of an appointment where more than 200 artists from 26 countries participate and which is considered the largest and most important international meeting of visual arts with venue in Venezuela.

Painting, sculpture, installments, interventions on an urban scale, video-art, photography, assemblages, graphic arts, mixed or experimental media and performance: the spectrum is very wide. But beyond the formal concretion and the aesthetic and conceptual implications of the participating works, there is a guideline: the capacity for social mobilization of art and its effective insertion in the dynamics of everyday life.

The context is more than important, it has defined the structure of the meeting. Due to the pandemic, the IV South Biennial gives more importance to social networks and digital media. The aim is to incorporate a larger number of participants, and promote the encounter and dialogues between multiethnic, multicultural, and multilingual societies.

The impact of the pandemic has also been recreated by many of the artists. These visions, which are often marked by a decidedly metaphorical calling, are inserted into the conceptual platform of a Biennial thought to amplify individual and collective voices, which through artistic work openly commit to social justice, equality, equity, and solidarity.

Several Cuban creators and specialists participate in the event, with proposals that meet aspects of history and current challenges.

Recently, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced in Caracas that the South Biennial will have a face-to-face segment, which will take place on November 4-14, in the context of the International Book Fair of Venezuela.

Maduro recognized the growing impact of an event that he described "as a window to show the truth, the struggle of cultists who protect identity."

Some artists in the biennial have made theirs a motto, which is more of a matter of principles: Art belongs to the people, the people are art.


Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff

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