Venezuela: Opposition Seeks Leaving Government Leaderless
Caracas, Nov 7 (Prensa Latina) The opposition in Venezuela is focusing its efforts to leave the government of President Nicolas Maduro without a leader and is threatening to withdraw from the dialogue with authorities if that objective is not achieved.
The dialogue, which started on November 30 under the auspices of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), the Vatican and three ex presidents from other countries, must show the first results of four negotiation tables that are dealing with the issues that most affect Venezuelans this weekend.
However, although there are punctual issues like the economic situation and the induced and galloping inflation, the so-called Table of Democratic Unity (MUD, in Spanish) threatens to leave the talks on November 11 if President Maduro is not ousted, instead of focusing on what the people really matter.
In that regard, the first vice president of the United National Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, on Sunday warned that the right wing is trying to find loopholes in the Constitution to try to get rid of the president.
At the talks, he pointed out, they are setting conditions, including ending the government and threatening to leave the negotiation tables, from where, he noted, 'they will have to leave because we will not accept anything outside the Constitution.'
The process to reach a possible agreement has repeatedly been supported domestically and abroad, while it is considered an alternative to prevent clashes and preserve peace in the country.
After the two sides presented their issues, a Hinterlaces survey published over the weekend showed that 60 percent of those polled think that the opposition in Venezuela, represented by the MUD, is divided and does not presents any plan or project to solve the economic problems, which is undoubtedly the Gordian knot of the crisis.
Under these conditions, it will be hard to achieve the people's objectives, according to political analysts and media.
The poll showed that at least 66 percent of those surveyed noted that the opposition only speaks about ousting Maduro, but it has not presented a plan to solve the economic problems.
It is alarming, because the streets are inflamed and many are calling for good sense, to find points of coincidence, and are warning that dialogue is an alternative to war.
In the meantime, the questions about the process of dialogue are expected to be responded on November 11: whether the opposition withdraws or the interests in solving a crisis that no one wants but whose solution remains elusive prevail.
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