Over 36.5 Million Spaniards Enabled to Vote in Elections


Over 36.5 Million Spaniards Enabled to Vote in Elections
Fecha de publicación: 
9 May 2016
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From the 36 million 518 thousand 100 electors summoned to vote -some seven thousand 100 more than in the past elections of December 20-, one million 920 thousand 256 live abroad, detailed the state entity.

Argentina heads the list of countries with the most Spanish voters, with 397 thousand 762 persons, followed by France (198 thousand 183) and Venezuela (157 mil 365).

Cuba has also a numerous community of 120 thousand 741 voters, while in Germany live 111 thousand 513 citizens with voting rights, some three thousand more than those residing in Brazil.

In the scale of the statistics organism follow Mexico and the United States, with 105 thousand 705 and 95 thousand 604 voters, respectively.

The list closes with Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Uruguay and Chile, although the INE stated tjat 345 thousand 493 Spanish citizens will vote from other nations.

Electors residing abroad who wish to vote will have to apply to the Provincial Delegation of the Electoral Census Office corresponding to their inscription, before May 28.

The applications can be sent via Internet and for that it is necessary to have a registered electronic certificate in the INE Electronic Headquarters or use the key sent with the official printed form.

That printed form will also be available at the consulates and digital sites of the Ministries of the Interior and Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, as well as the Office of the Electoral Census, indicated the source.

After the elections almost five months ago, the crossed vetoes and lack of concessions of the parties in a country not accustomed to political fragmentation, prevented agreements and forced to the celebration of new elections on June 26.

The last elections were considered the most hard-fought in almost four decades, before the surge of groups Podemos and Ciudadanos, that broke the traditional alternation in power of the parties Popular (PP) and Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE).

Then, Spaniards punished bipartidism between the PP and PSOE, ridden over the last years by numerous corruption scandals and found responsible by the citizenship for the drastic cuts in social services such as health and education.

Judging by recent surveys, the institutional paralysis will not end with that second electoral round, predicting a fragmentation of votes similar to the last contest, when none of the parties achieved the necessary majority to form government.

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