Woman faces 10 yrs in prison for giving thirsty pigs water

The animals were in a truck when Toronto resident Anita Krajnc, 48, attempted to give them water - her actions leading to a brawl with the driver of the truck.
A video of the incident shows Krajnc shouting at the driver: “Jesus said, ‘If they are thirsty, give them water.’” The driver then responds: “You know what? These are not humans, you dumb frickin’ broad,” and threatens to call 911.
The owner of the pigs, Ontario farmer Eric Van Boekel, filed a police complaint the day after the incident. He said his pigs were treated in accordance with all national standards and regulations.
That, however, is exactly the point of discontent for Krajnc, who founded organization Toronto Pig Save “to bear witness [to the] suffering of animals in transport and at slaughterhouses.”
Krajnc believes that Canada is behind the rest of the Western world when it comes to animal transportation regulations.
“Everyone knows that compassion is not a crime. In fact, I did nothing wrong when I gave water to thirsty pigs; many of you have given water to thirsty pigs, and we’ll continue to do that,” Krajnc said outside the courthouse in Milton, after the pre-trial procedure on November 4.
Another pre-trial was held on Monday, and the next one is set for December 15. The court proper will hear the case no earlier than August 2016.
“Canada has the worst transportation regulations in the Western World, worse than Australia, New Zealand, the European Union and the United States,” Toronto Pig Save’s press release states.
Social media users have started several online petitions to support Krajnc under the hashtag #StandWithAnita.
If found guilty, she faces a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.
“Call Jesus,” Krajnc says, as the driver then demands: “What you got in that water?”
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