Putin Rules Out Sending Ground Troops to Syria after Meeting with Obama


Putin Rules Out Sending Ground Troops to Syria after Meeting with Obama
Fecha de publicación: 
29 September 2015
Imagen principal: 

This was the first formal meeting between the two leaders in more than two years and was held in the U.N. Security Council Consultations Room.

The White House said the meeting between Obama and Putin lasted for 95 minutes, longer than expected, without divulging more details.

According to television channel Russia Today, or RT, Putin denied Moscow will send ground troops to Syria, although Kremlin has recently increased its military build-up in Syria urging leaders to support the regime of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.

Regarding air strikes against Islamic State positions in Syria by the U.S.-led international coalition, Putin said no one knows how effective they are but did not rule out the possibility of Russia joining air strikes in the future.

According to RT, the Russian leader said the talks with Obama were "very constructive, business-like and frank" and that he believes they can both work together.

However, Putin also asserted since neither Obama nor French President Francois Hollande - both in favor of Al-Assad stepping down to facilitate a political transition in Syria - are Syrian citizens, they cannot 'decide' the future of that country.

Putin and Obama spoke at the General Assembly in the morning presenting their differences very clearly on the Syrian crisis that has been ravaging the country for more than four years.

In his speech Obama insisted the Syrian President must resign to promote a "transition" that will allow the conflict to end, while Putin asked the international community to support the "legitimate government" of Damascus.

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