Venezuelan People Alert Against New Terrorists Attacks of the U.S.


Venezuelan People Alert Against New Terrorists Attacks of the U.S.
Fecha de publicación: 
19 March 2019
Imagen principal: 

Venezuelans went on the streets last Saturday 16th in Caracas, with a parade to support their President Nicolás Maduro and celebrate the great popular victory that meant the endurance of the Venezuelan people against the electric sabotage, reported TeleSur.

The mobilization lead by the president of the Constituent National Assembly (CNA) of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, in rejection to the cyber attack against the Hydroelectric Power Station Simón Bolívar, also known as the Guri Dam, which took place last Thursday March 7th with the objective of blaming Maduro’s Government.

Although it’s true that the sabotage to the electric system was planned in Washington we cannot forget that it was carried out with the help of a Venezuelan opposition that regrettably responds to the interests of this foreign power that seeks to drown the people into despair and raise chaos.

Cabello warned looking at this reality: "By order of the president we will preserve all strategic domestic facilities. We must be alert, the Venezuelan right-wing and the imperialism have no other way than violence". Furthermore, he warned of the possibility of new terrorist attacks against the operability of domestic public services.

The True Situation in Venezuela

The situation in Venezuela is that most of the Venezuelan people support Maduro while the Washington’s puppet doesn't rally almost anyone. His attempt to occupy the presidential chair dwindles with every passing minute. An example is that international media considerably diminished his recognition granted to the supposed authority of calling him "acting president" of Venezuela, they now call him "self-proclaimed president", "leader of the Venezuelan opposition", "opponent" or simply "Guaidó."

Following an analysis, the Venezuelan News Agency (VNA) realized that this change has occurred mainly in the last weeks especially in media like The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Bloomberg and CNN that had used the term "acting president."

The change was maybe caused by phone prank to Guaidó that has gone viral: Russian jokers Vovan and Lexus talked with the self-proclaim president as if they were the Switzerland president, Ueli Maurer. Guaidó fell for it and revealed the plans against the leader of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

The call was made last February 20th and lasted over 12 minutes, in which the pranksters informed Guaidó that President Maduro has "large accounts" in the banks of that country, therefore they awaited his instructions on what they should do with them, said TeleSur.

“We need to find a way to freeze those accounts, president, and you will tell me through official channels how to proceed", commented the self-proclaimed president, very sure of with whom he spoke.

In order to proceed with the "blocking" of those accounts, Vovan and Lexus told Guaidó they would send a draft of a formal request, in the request appeared a fictional bank named "Lexus Vovanial Bank Ltd", their nicknames.

Two days after the “official talk”, Swiss authorities denied to have discussed on the Venezuelan assets with the self-proclaimed president, since he assured to the foreign media that he had spoken of a possible blocking of accounts with the president of that country.

“There was no contact between Mr. Guaidó and President Maurer”, asserted the spokesman of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Switzerland, Pierre-Alain Eltsching.

The answer of Elliot Abrams, North American official didn't take long and he guaranteed to the “Swiss President” that things would carry on from that day forward in strict secret, and he will personally speak with Guaidó to repeat "that his comment was an error that should not happen again.”

Pranksters not only spoke with the self-proclaimed president, they also spoke with Abrams, impersonating the Swiss leader.

The "executive" expressed his Government's will to cooperate in financial matters with the U.S., particularly on the topic of Venezuela. Abrams’s answer was to confirm that his objective is to "preserve assets" of the South American country and that they work with several European Governments to achieve so.

"I believe that everything should be frozen. Absolutely frozen, just to make sure that it remains where it is. That is our perception", said Abrams.

Mistake after Mistake.

Meanwhile this Saturday an extraordinary mobilization of the people from Caracas demonstrated to the world, once again, the dignity and patriotic conscience of Venezuelans while members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces together with the people, preserves 24 hours a day the strategic facilities of electricity, petroleum, water, and telecommunications.

The People of Maduro is alert for the next terrorist attack from Trump’s government or for their next mistake. We will see.

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