Cristina Fernandez Says 'Look North' If Anything Happens to Her

The President of Argentina has suggested that the United States are planning to overthrow her government, and even assassinate her on Tuesday evening.
After last week's alleged threats on her life by Islamic State connected militants, Fernandez said, "So, if something happens to me, don't look to the Mideast, look north," she declared at the Government House.
She added in her two hour long speech that the United States “are firing missiles at the Middle East … but they won't fire missiles on Argentina, they are sending financial and speculative attacks.”
The President also characterized a recent warning about crime that the U.S. Embassy sent to its citizens in Argentina as a “provocation.”
During her address to the nation, she said of the United States Judge Thomas Griesa's decision to find Argentina in contempt of court that, "It's naive to think that this (decision) is merely the work of a senile judge".
Fernandez did not leave the local Argentine financiers, saying that there are those “among us who conspire with the vulture funds.”
She revealed that, “We're going to impose stricter controls, we're going to demand the central bank and regulators apply the law in all its terms.”
She accused the wealthy of the nation and overseas capital wanting a “return to the past, when Argentina was on its knees begging for money at exorbitant interest rates."
“In the nineties Argentina supposedly was the best of the class for the multilateral organizations, but it was all a castle of cards and when it all collapsed, instead of helping out they came running to recover their money.”
She ended by calling on all of her supporters to be “united and prevent Argentina from falling into the hands of those who want a return to conditions of the past: the vulture funds and even worse their conspiring allies among us, who want to see Argentina indebted, helplessly at the mercy of speculators.”
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