Plans for Coup against Venezuelan Gov't Detailed


Plans for Coup against Venezuelan Gov't Detailed
Fecha de publicación: 
6 April 2017
Imagen principal: 

Caracas, Apr 6 (Prensa Latina) Details of a coup plot that includes street violence and attacks on military units, in order to create a scenario conducive to foreign military intervention, were unveiled here by Bolivarian leader Diosdado Cabello.

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), made public on the TV channel Venezolana de Televisión, recordings of conversations between leaders of the opposition right-wing, revealing the violent magnitude of the plans, to be executed in the short term. In the recorded conversations - broadcast last night in the program Con el mazo dando - the right-wing politicians Roberto Enríquez and Oswaldo Álvarez Paz, members of the Independent Electoral Political Organization Committee (COPEI) party, are heard talking about the issue.

Also compromising conversations were revealed by Eduardo Vetancourt, former official of the former National Directorate of Intelligence and Prevention Services (DISIP); Colonel Zomacal Hernández, leader of Primero Justicia (Justice First), Julio Borges, current president of the National Assembly (Parliament), and US Senator of Cuban origin Marcos Rubio, among others.

In the talks, Vetancourt - who is a fugitive from Venezuelan justice - suggests activating violent actions 'neighbor to neighbor', which includes the use of C-4 explosives and wicks, to 'remove government by force' and push a de facto one, made up of representatives of the traditional parties Democratic Action and COPEI.

It was also known, in the DISIP former official's own voice, that a riot squad was being formed, consisting of 98 men, who would be paid two million bolivars each (about 500 dollars with the informal change), who would be responsible for creating riots in a violent manner.

By its part, Colonel Zomacal - already under arrest - confessed being the coordinator of the military participation and the one in charge to handle the C-4 explosives to generate chaos in the streets and to attack military facilities, among them Fort Tiuna and Caracas downtown area.

'We have 88 policemen,' said Zomacal, 'but we need 120 (...) because there must be a group behind the march of Maria Corina (Machado) to sack them. We want them to believe before the national and international public opinion that the people are hungry. The former soldier revealed that violent organizations infiltrated groups, followers of the Bolivarian government, and confirmed the participation of plain-clothed coup military, in an opposition march. 'Some will have to leave and others will have to die', the former colonel Zomacal emphasized.

Cabello explained that this coup plot has been articulated, for three years, by the US government, when former South Command chief John Kelly called for the possibility of a military intervention in the country.

Subversive actions were dismantled by Operation Escudo Zamorano 2017, which also seized ammunition and explosives.

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