‘Terrorists flee when they hear us coming’ – Syria’s ISIS hunters to RT (EXCLUSIVE)


‘Terrorists flee when they hear us coming’ – Syria’s ISIS hunters to RT (EXCLUSIVE)
Fecha de publicación: 
6 April 2017
Imagen principal: 

Self-organized militias are playing a key role in fighting the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorist group both in Iraq and Syria. RT accompanied one such group to see how they train to take on the world’s most notorious jihadists.

'To take revenge on terrorists': Special 'ISIS Hunters' unit arrives at outskirts of Palmyra


Calling themselves ISIS hunters, this Syrian militia came to prominence during the operation to retake the city of Palmyra earlier this year. Islamic State had seized the opportunity to seize it in late 2016 as most of the Syrian army was engaged elsewhere and Palmyra was relatively unprotected.

“Over a month ago we helped liberate Palmyra and its surroundings from IS militants. Now we are protecting this area and will not allow a single jihadist return,” one of the militia’s fighters told RT.

“Some parts of our unit are still on the frontline,” another said, adding “our unit instills fear in the terrorists. They run away when they hear that our fighters are coming.”

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