Trump-Threat: The roar of the voiceless


Trump-Threat: The roar of the voiceless
Fecha de publicación: 
9 November 2018
Imagen principal: 

President Donald Trump warned, on Monday, in Washington, that he would send his Military against the caravan of thousands of poor Central Americans heading to the southern border of the United States.

Trump dared to say in a twitter message: “This is an invasion to our country and our Military is waiting for you!”.

Spanish news agency EFE revealed that the commander of the US Defense Department Northern Command, Terrence J. O'Shaughnessy, announced at a press conference that around 800 troops are already en route to the border.

Terrence explained that the military would carry their “military planning capabilities”, and three helicopters to transport border patrol agents, as well as materials to pitch tents.

Earlier, the head of state said that in reprisal for the advance of those migrants, he would “substantially” cut off the economic aid that U.S. provides to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

He lashed out against Mexico for falling to halt the crossing of these migrants.

Meanwhile, Mexican authorities released a plan to provide humanitarian assistance and accompaniment to the caravan in its crossing through the south of that country.

This, although an 1878 US law prohibits the use of troops for national security and public order tasks.

Therefore, as pretext, O'Shaughnessy stated, the military will only support the border patrol agents in air operations to detect illegal activities, as well as in mechanical work, and will provide medical care to immigrants if needed.

He also pointed out that 2,700 National Guard troops have already been deployed along the southern border since April.

Kevin McAleenan, head of the Custom and Border Protection Office, stressed at a press conference that 2,000 other agents are ready to perform border protection tasks.

EFE commented that another caravan of Salvadorans would reach Mexican soil with the same aim soon.

The human tide, composed of hundreds of women, men and children waded and swam crossed Suchiate River.

In order to face up the stream, the migrants, holding hands formed a chain, as a low-flying helicopter of Mexico’s Federal Police hovered overhead, causing strong gusts of wind that destabilized the people.

Once again, the image of one of the strongest capitalist powers in the world is shattered.

Its current military budget bill exceeds $700 billion, which destroyed entire nations, such as Iraq, Korea and Vietnam.

Actually, this country is the biggest military weapons and equipments dealer in the world.

Now, its president, Donald Trump, threatens to use his Armed Forces against humble Central Americans fleeing the hunger and misery imposed by the North.

They, together with their poverty and despair are writing –maybe unconsciously–, another incredible page as representatives of a humanity that apparently is saying THAT’S ENOUGH! 

Translated by Jorge Mesa Benjamin / CubaSi Translation Staff

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