Trump: Curious enemy of Puerto Rico


Trump: Curious enemy of Puerto Rico
Fecha de publicación: 
30 September 2017
Imagen principal: 

A journalist with a brilliant radical-right credential, Andres Oppenheimer, assessed Trump and the island of Puerto Rico, which jeopardized even more the President’s authority.

At the beginning of his article he highlighted the “slow, heartless, and almost cruel answer with which President Trump has dealt with to the Puerto Rican crisis after hurricane Irma.”

He seems unaware that its 3.4 million citizens are American.

With a devastating tone he added: “they are more patriot than him.”

He recalled that Trump traveled twice to Texas in a week after hurricane Harvey and to Florida five days after “Irma.”

But this Tuesday the White House announced after a storm of protest that the head of state will travel to the island on October 3.

It will take place, according to observers, two weeks after the hurricane devastation.

Nonetheless, the news article omits this approach versus Trump’s indifference after “Maria.”

Suffice to say that all Puerto Rico was left without power and 50% of its territory without water five days after “Maria.”

It was then when multimillionaire President wrote a message to the Governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rossello: “We are with you.”

At the same time, he tweeted 17 times about the kneeling of some NFL players during the national anthem, disrespecting the U.S. flag.

So it raises the question if Trump has the prestige to talk about patriotism.

Finally, he reacted to the storm of protests.

How did he do it? He tweeted something —amid tragedy— and it seemed cruel.

He wrote Puerto Rico is in “deep trouble” and its billion dollars in debt in Wall Street “must be faced.”

This tweet, according to Oppenheimer, was like urging a disabled patient to eat healthily and do exercises.

And it occurs when Puerto Rican hospitals have no power supply and half the country has no water service, which is unbelievable to Oppenheimer.

In such panorama, the U.S. president is concerned about the interests of Wall Street.

Let’s recall that Andres Oppenheimer is member of the U.S. Special Services an enemy of Puerto Rico.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Diaz / CubaSi Translation Staff

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