The Third Way in Cuba: The Acrobat’s Drama


The Third Way in Cuba: The Acrobat’s Drama
Fecha de publicación: 
23 June 2017
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The Third Way approach emerged in England as a way to disguise and tone down the pillage of capitalism, accelerated after the collapse of Socialist projects in East Europe. It has not generated, as some gurus foretold, the necessary conditions so that poor people in the world can survive, produce, and consume. It has triggered a brutal worsening of living conditions, more poverty, insalubrity, and insecurity.

The representatives of the so-called Centrism in Cuba, who introduce themselves as a third way —an intermediate way between capitalism and socialism— try to show with a series of sophisms the ineffectiveness of the revolutionary path, as they deny the Revolution.

New words for old principles. The same formula was used to undermine the Revolution by the end of the 1950s and the early years of 1960s. It also occurred in the 1980s when a group of artists with emerging aesthetic proposals were used to promote the ideas of the third way. With the same purpose, international scholarships were used as well. Such scholarships had other purposes and tried to create confusion and division in complex times for Socialism in East Europe, especially targeting young artists and literary intellectuals.

The plot of the story

On May 14th, 2004 a group of U.S. officials, diplomats from allied countries, and CIA officials gathered at the house of a prominent U.S. official who worked at the U.S. Interest Section (USIS) in Havana, Francisco Saenz. I, writer and professor at the University, attended that meeting as Special Guest.

One hour earlier, the Cuban people had starred a demonstration in front of the USIS to protest against the hardening of the economic war on Cuba, as well as the threats of the U.S. president George W. Bush. Ten years later, the president of the same nation acknowledged the failure of such obsolete policy and tried to reach the same goal but using a different strategy. A logical move was to end the stick approach and thus, the Obama’s administration betted on projects like Genesis, Cuba Posible, etc.

In the U.S. home, Bush’s measures were celebrated; nonetheless, some spoke about the possibility of a change in the strategy to put an end to the Revolution in case Bush’s plans fail. The War against the historical leader was already lost. Other options had to be explored; for instance, the Chilean-like agreement or the Spanish-like transition.

Francisco Saenz spoke of a new way that men like me should start. He made reference to intellectuals, culture people, and scientists. Several names came up as well as the possibility to outline a way that most of the Cuban people would accept. The general consensus was that we must pave the way for a Cuba without Fidel and Raul Castro.

The “new way,” thirteen years after Bush’s measures to starve Cuba, the primitive language returns in the words of another president: Donald Trump.

Within the Eagle Sight

This was the first meeting of many. Kelly Keiderling, Head of Press and Culture at the USIS, began organizing with me social gatherings with artists not-openly committed to the counter-revolution. The “attraction” would be to discuss about Cuban reality.

Katrin Hansing, introduced as Kelly’s friend and partner at the Georgetown University, had the mission of summoning to the gatherings one renowned university professor. Today, this professor is a “constitution reformist”, a “promoter” of constitutional changes. Publishers of religious institutions like Espacio Laical and Vitral attended these meetings.

Those social gatherings did not meet their goals due to the poor participation of guests and the incriminating nature of the place, Kelly’s residence.

Afterwards, the idea was to create a Literary Agency approved by the Ministry of Culture. The goal was to have an independent organization open to all where writers and artists could “exchange views freely” and therefore, create the needed literary basis with future perspective.

Project Genesis

CIA Project Genesis is born in 2007 and its main target is the Cuban youth as well as the revolutionary sectors.

Genesis should have come to fruition in period of time of 10-15 years and came to light when the historical leaders of the Revolution were not alive. The new technologies of the information and communication, and the Internet would play a paramount role to promote contents and demonstrations.

A framework of leaders planted in economical, political, and social centers should have been created. It was interesting that Project Genesis must have given priority to those leaders of youth organizations such as UJC, or FEU for leadership grant.

We are talking about an organization “spread” in the universities, which should admit young students and professors linked to programs sponsored and financed by the enemy with artistic, academic, cultural, and social projects in the communities.

Genesis should have presented itself as a national option, born to defend our socialism, not to “update it” in order to lead the country through “modern” paths according to the most “notable” of the European and Latin American thought. A third way to plant confusion and chaos, aiming at destroying the unity of the country.

A small detail, this organization, had its schedule. It was composed of two committees: one executive and one consultative. The executive one was composed of Cubans while the consultative was composed of Americans. No decision could have been taken without the express approval of the consultative committee.

After the Complaint

On April 2011, as part of the public complaint known as Las Razones de Cuba, the monstrosity could not see the light. The social base composed of incredulous young people did not exist. It was hard for them to find young leaders and train new cadres, the most valuable young men in the country. These young men supported and support the Revolution.

They got back to work and tried to reorganize the job. Ted Henken carried out an inquiry in the Cuban blogosphere, identifying possible allies. He sought for any gap, and studied candidates.

Digital platforms with a centrist tendency emerged in the country by that time. Students, university professors, communication professionals operated the web. These people were linked to several courses financed by NGOs, programs and international scholarships, educational exchange programs, and other activities financed by private enterprises and mass media.

The former editors of Espacio Laical Roberto Veiga and Lenier Gonzalez funded the entity “Cuba Posible”. Few weeks after its foundation, Cuba Posible organized a great “academic” event in the U.S.

On May 26th, 2016 the Open Society Foundations hosted in its headquarters in New York the “Laboratorio de Ideas (Laboratory of Ideas)” Cuba Posible. The event held in New York, financed by Ford Foundations and Open Society, was about the “present challenges of Cuba.” The same Open Society of George Soros, the millionaire philanthropist involved in Color Revolutions and Soft Coups, the genocide behind Ukraine, Venezuela, etc…

The Empire new strategy created a media branch composed of platforms fostering a third way that may add leaders from the intellectual world as well as journalists and academicians. The goal was to attract a growing public by using captivating language and code.

They use popular tools in the marketing world as the storytelling in order to reach a better empathy with the audience.

They bet on moving the revolutionary ideology to the center after having failed with old formulas and witnessed how their best-elaborated plans have collapsed. They aimed at adding more people to the ideological, comfortable, and opportunistic ambivalence from an allegedly neutral approach to undermine the Revolution.

They promote the ideological lack of definition, the abandonment of principles, lack of commitment, and political inactivity. They boast to be nationalists and left-winged. They remain within the institutions, academies, cultural and scientific centers, in the mass media, but always against the Socialist state, the Communist Party and its anti-imperialist and revolutionary tradition.

But they have a big drama: they need a critical mass of people who may be far from the principles of the Revolution. And it did not happen. The vast majority of the Cuban people have opted for the socialist way along with the Communist Party of Cuba. And we are willing to change everything that must be changed, except for our souls and the sovereign soul of Cuba.

The Third Way, which is counterrevolutionary by its essence, has been the most powerful tool used by powers when they feel something is wrong. They see it in Cuba under this new Empire strategy as a B plan to undermine the Revolution from within. They tend to confuse and deceive the audience while walking a tightrope, where they go forward and backward, according to the U.S. instructions.

The Third Way, the Cuban centrism, was created in test tubes in the enemy subversion headquarters. Its leaders, disguised before the challenging task of finding new allies, were raised under the eagle shadow and its essence unmasked them.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Diaz / CubaSi Translation Staff

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