Perseides Meteor Shower will be Visible in Cuba


Perseides Meteor Shower will be Visible in Cuba
Fecha de publicación: 
9 August 2018
Imagen principal: 

The meteor shower The Perseides, will be seen from any point of the Cuban territory between the night of the 12th and the first hours of the 13th, according to daily Granma.

According to the forecast of the International Meteors Organization, the amoung of objects to be seen will be in the order of 110 per hour, said Francisco Gonzalez, specialist of the Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy of the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment, to the newspaper.

The phenomenon, favored by the transition of the New Moon phase that gives greater darkness to the night sky, will be seen by all those interested from any place of Cuba.

The Perseides, known popularly as the tears of St. Lawrence, are forebearers of the comet Swift-Tuttle discovered in 1862, which traveled by the inside part of the solar system detaching on its path millions of cosmic particles.

The celestial body, of 26 kilometers of diameter, had its last shower in 1992, while the next one, according to scientists, is expected to occur in 2126.

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