We want to continue supporting Cuba, says Chilean company MTG

We want to continue supporting Cuba, says Chilean company MTG
Fecha de publicación: 
10 November 2023
Imagen principal: 

The Chilean company MTG, one of those present today at the 39th Havana International Fair (Fihav), wishes to continue in Cuba and support the island, after 25 years of experience in this market.

In an interview with Prensa Latina, the representative of the entity, José Durán, highlighted that during that time they have participated in almost all editions of the important commercial event, which is held from November 6 to 11 at the Expocuba fairgrounds.

Although there are other Chilean companies that unfortunately do not attend Fihav in 2023, we have remained, said the businessman, who acknowledged that in the Caribbean country there have been good and bad times for its activity, with the negative impact of events. like the Covid-19 pandemic.

“But, we always move forward, trying to do things well and contributing our grain of sand,” he stated.

He explained that MTG markets a wide range of foods in Cuba, including a variety of meats such as beef and turkey mince, hamburgers, cuts of beef, pork, chicken, as well as powdered milk, pasta and rice.

During the more than two decades in the Antillean nation, its clients have been state-owned companies such as the Cimex and TRD (currently Caribe) store chains and they have also developed several hotel projects.

They currently have relationships with micro, small and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs), and self-employed workers, a link that is favored by the fact that MTG has warehouses on the island, which facilitate their work with importers and with these forms of private management, although he stressed that they never neglect their links with the state sector.

Durán highlighted that, in addition to the variety of merchandise that they export to the Caribbean nation, they also import some Cuban products such as coffee and rum.

Regarding the experience in this edition of Fihav, he indicated they have already had several visits from the state sector, from companies such as Caracol and ITH and representatives of MSMEs.

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