“We Gather to Defend, Today More Than Ever, the Brother Venezuelan People From the Tentacles of Fascism”: ALBA-TCP


“We Gather to Defend, Today More Than Ever, the Brother Venezuelan People From the Tentacles of Fascism”: ALBA-TCP
Fecha de publicación: 
27 August 2024
Imagen principal: 

On Monday, following the Summit of Heads of State, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of America – Free Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP) issued a statement advocating for Venezuela’s sovereignty and showing its support for democratically elected President Nicolas Maduro.

In the note, ALBA-TCP members condemned the attempted coup against the Venezuelan state and the Bolivarian people in general, calling the coup attempt “illegal and unconstitutional way that threatens democracy, peace and life itself”.

Also condemned, “the destabilizing plans and actions promoted by foreign factors, which attempt to disregard the will of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, expressed democratically and legitimately at the ballot box”.

Hand in hand with the coup attempt of the extreme right and destabilization, the Alliance repudiated the massive media war launched from imperial means to undermine the truth in Venezuela as well as the campaigns of discredit against the Bolivarian revolution, Committed through social media.

Regarding the media war, the alliance emphasized that “strategically aimed at the younger generations of Venezuelan society, victims of disinformation and hyper-information to promote violence, vandalism and barbarism”.

They also condemned the barbaric and violent acts against the people of Venezuela, infrastructure, historical monuments and state property.

Also the members of ALBA, “Denunciar el desacato de los resultados oficiales del proceso electoral por un sector violento y fascista de la oposición venezolana que ha pedido abiertamente el intervencionismo y más sanciones para el país a expensas del pueblo venezolano y que ya se habían mostrado of its coup intentions by not signing the agreement for respect of the electoral results promoted by the Venezuelan governing body, the National Electoral Council”, quotes from the statement.

ALBA-TCP also demanded the recognition of Venezuela as a sovereign country and respect for the processes that are developing there without any attempts at interference.

“Recognize that Venezuela is a free, independent, democratic and sovereign State that has its own institutions and laws to address its internal affairs. In this regard, we welcome the decision of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) to settle this electoral controversy, in a worthy example of full exercise of sovereignty and, thus, guaranteeing peace and tranquility to the Venezuelan people”, states the statement.

The leaders of the dawn, for their part, greeted all the former candidates participating in the electoral process of 28J and who attended when the Supreme Court required it, as well as congratulating President Nicolás Maduro on his democratic victory at the polls.

“Reaffirm, once again, that Latin America and the Caribbean is a Zone of Peace. We demand the strict compliance with the obligation not to intervene, directly or indirectly, in the internal affairs of any other State and to fully respect the inalienable right of every State to choose its political, economic, social and cultural system as an essential requirement to guarantee peaceful coexistence among nations, peace and stability in our region”, states the ALBA note.

Defending Venezuela is defending the dream of unity and brotherhood of our heroes and peoples”, concludes the statement.

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