Roberto Romero: «Ramsés is one of the best people I have ever met»

For me, he is too. It does not matter we are talking about a fictional character. I am sure that he exists in the real world, perhaps with other names and features, but with those traits that captivated versatile actor Roberto Romero, to the point of bringing him to life with enormous credibility and grace. We spoke with the young actor via WhatsApp.
—How did you come to Renacer soap opera and specifically to the character of Ramsés?
—I was still filming El derecho de soñar when they offered me this casting. I was reluctant to apply because, if they approved me, it would translate into working in two soap operas in a row and I was not prepared for that. But I fell in love with the essence of Ramsés in the lines I had for the casting. And so I did it. Then, they sent me another casting for another character. I went too, this time because I felt a commitment to Heikin, who is a director with whom I had already worked. But I did make it very clear that I was not interested in that second option, that the one I wanted was Ramsés. If she was going to think of me for the soap opera, she should think of that character, and well..., she and Molina listened to me and they offered me my dear Ramsés.
—What were the main challenges that this character posed for you?
—When I began to build Ramses’ world, his image, psychology, together with the directors and the staff, we cleaned up many things in the script and worked a lot in the rehearsals, which in television are very few...When we had everything set up, and I was clear about what I wanted to say with this character, the most difficult thing was to translate all that with my body. That is, to bring that information to my body and to the screen, to the set. It was very difficult, in fact, during the first few weeks, it was very hard for me to keep control, because I had so much information in my head, I wanted to do so many things, that I would record a scene and not be able to remember exactly what I had done. But as time went by, as I had more frequent filming sessions, I became more familiar with the costumes, with the set, with the other actors, that settled down a bit, but I do believe Ramses was actually the hardest part for me.
—And what satisfactions has Ramsés left you with?
—Ramsés gave me the huge satisfaction of giving me the chance to play him. As actors, we love our profession, at least I believe so. I love my career and it is exactly because it gives me the chance to be a firefighter, a doctor, a teacher, a street sweeper, a criminal… a hairdresser and, being able to be Ramses, is one of the best gifts, because it is a great satisfaction for me to be able to be, even for a little while on the set, that brave, sincere, honest, elegant person… Ramses is one of the best people I have ever met in my life, to put it in some way, and being him even for a little while, is a pleasure. He has principles that humanity should envy. In addition, of course, to the satisfaction of representing a community that is quite discriminated against and being able to defend it: to campaign against homophobia and do it from my profession, is an immense satisfaction.”
—How is the feedback with the public?
—The public has surprised me a lot. The attacker always pops up on the street, because we live in a homophobic and sexist country and although I have been target of comments of that sort, veiled by a smile or a joke, most people love Ramsés, they laugh with him, but what is most satisfying is that the public respects him and, sincerely, that was one of our goals, that people could see this human being, this gay man and, beyond that, recognize a man of enviable principles. That is huge for me. I thank Heikin and Molina for it and I am happy that people have welcomed him like that.
—There are big differences between Greg from Valientes; Alejandro, from El derecho de soñar, and Ramsés, from Renacer. Don't you believe in comfort zones? What makes you fall in love with a character?
—Greg, Ramses and Alejandro are very different characters who may have some converging points, but the common point between them is Roberto Romero, the man who plays all of them. In other words, it is my being, my soul, that has lent itself to giving freedom to these other characters and, of course, since I am the one who plays them, I am aware of the comfort zone and I always try to escape from it. Of course, using the acting technique that we have been taught and that one has built oneself; ignoring that comfort zone would be foolish, once you recognize it, you know that you have to escape from there.
What I find most captivating about my characters is the strength of their passion, their goal. That is, how strongly they want to achieve something, how strongly they get up in the morning to defend something, to continue living for something. If that passion, if that goal is not strong enough, for me the character loses power and, of course, I lose interest, that is why I always try to take that goal and that passion to the maximum. There are cases in which the script is not favorable for this. Then I rely on what we want to say as a team. If what we want to say through the character is powerful, that is another way of falling in love and getting closer and defending the character with more truthfulness. »
—Roberto, we cannot avoid talking about theater with you. What does it mean to you?
—When I was a child, I saw experienced actors talking about theater with so much love, with so much respect, with so much admiration, and now I can understand why. Since I graduated in 2016, I have been working in theater, fortunately. I have learned 90 percent of what I know there. I am infinitely grateful to it. I think I am a better person for doing theatre. Theatre gives me the chance to connect with my colleagues, with the audience when they are in the room. It gives me the chance to free myself, it is my psychologist, my psychiatrist, it is everything to me. I think I will never stop doing theatre.
—You have had experiences in the main acting expressions (theater, television, cinema...) If you were forced to choose only one of these media, which would you choose?
—Theatre is my life, but please, I would ask you not to make me choose, because I also love cinema. I have had very little experience and I would love to have some other opportunities. I think it is another expression where the art of making art is paramount and I would like more opportunities to get to know it better. Please, don't make me choose, because as I tell you: theatre is life.
—Current and future projects...
—Right now, I'm eager to continue with the performances of Réquiem por Yarini, which is being a tremendous experience, with a large audience, very good acceptance and a luxury cast, from very young actors to others already established like Verónica Lynn or Fernando Hechavarría. And I'm there, very happy, being directed by Carlos Díaz. The closest thing I have is a short story that I'm going to record for television, directed by Carmelo Rubio. This year, a film directed by Omar Alí that I was lucky to work in should be released.
Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff
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