Viengsay Valdés praises Sauto Theather in Matanzas, Cuba

The Sauto Theather which will host the second presentation of Cuba´s National Ballet, received several praises from Viengsay Valdés, prima ballerina and general director of the dance group.
In an interview with Prensa Latina, Valdés expresed “I think that the Sauto Theaher has something very special because works that have been latter performed in Havana and other palces, even in international competitions, haven beeen premiered here”.
It has been the stage, she expressed, to test Cuban coreographers, who have had the possiblity of experiencing before presenting it to the world, with successful and effective results.
In Valdés´ opinion, the audience in Matanzas and this theather contribute because it enhances and nourishes the artist, the coreographer, the dancer and “it has always been like that”.
She recalled tha after Cuba´s National Ballet interrupted its activities the one in Matanzas “is the first tour we do outside Havana and nothing better than at the Sauto theather which has welcomed as so much and witnessed the history of the Cuba´s National Ballet”.
Inaugurated on April 6, 1863, the Sauto heather is one of the most relevant theathers in Cuba, symbol and pride of Matanzas for its architectural splendor and hierarchy of artists who have performed on its stage.
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