Transfermóvil: 10 Years Accompanying Cubans

A decade as the leading e-commerce platform in Cuba is no small feat. That merit belongs to Transfermóvil.
Even with the confidence that knowledge and hope provide, it was difficult for its founders to imagine, on February 10, 2015, that today there would be more than 5.4 million users benefiting from this application.
More than 120 million transactions are made monthly using this payment gateway, and by the end of 2024, more than 1.3 billion transactions had been made in the year, thus doubling online payments in 2023.
That small group that started this project exactly a decade ago – and did so with 50 users who were telecommunications agents, mostly over 55 years old, interacting with a first module designed to check the telephone bill and pay it using their own card – could not have imagined that ten years later more than 200 thousand businesses would now use Transfermóvil for their operations.
This is part of the banking process and the efforts to computerize society, even though “Every year it has been a technological and financial challenge to advance, overcoming great difficulties to achieve results…”, as recalled on the social network X, the Director of support and development of the digital products division, MSc. Julio Antonio García Trápaga, leader of the Transfermóvil Project.
This application for mobile devices with Android operating system generated by the Cuban Telecommunications Company S.A. (ETECSA), with 100% national software technology and whose development has been joined by the Banco Popular de Ahorro (BPA), the Banco de Crédito y Comercio (BANDEC) and the Banco Metropolitano (BANMET), has not stopped growing and improving in tune with the demands of the country, periodically generating new versions.
This is why it currently represents more than 70% of electronic payment operations carried out in Cuba and includes more than 70 services, including the MiTransfer mobile wallet, which has more than 630,000 users.
Behind all these achievements, also designed to make life easier for Cubans, a team of 27 professionals is currently working tirelessly. Their average age is less than 38 years old and most have more than five years of experience in their specialty.
Leading this group, MSc. Julio Antonio García Trápaga told CubaSí on the occasion of this tenth anniversary:
“Personally, it’s a dream come true and a great satisfaction for the place it occupies in the life of every Cuban. It’s a commitment we have with our people to continue developing it and multiplying services that improve our quality of life. With just over 5.4 million users today, this means that at least two members of each family use Transfermóvil. It’s a project that financially connects all Cubans.
“The history of these 10 years has not been a bed of roses. We have had to face great challenges and overcome great difficulties of all kinds in order to advance and reach the goal of each proposed objective. We learned that the shortest path that separates us from dreams and challenges is not always a straight line in time.
“The greatest strength of our team can be summed up in 5 words: creativity, perseverance, love, loyalty, and collective work. It really is an extraordinary experience. We’ve worked with dozens of state and private institutions, and each case has been an opportunity for all of us to learn a little more. Undoubtedly, Transfermóvil's greatest wealth is the people who work there, my colleagues.”
Translated by Amilkal Labañino / Cubasi Translation Staff
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