There is now a volleyball calendar for 2025-2028

There is now a volleyball calendar for 2025-2028
Fecha de publicación: 
8 December 2023
Imagen principal: 

Officially, the Volleyball calendar for 2025-2028 is now available. It is the first time it has been approved with so early, bringing all parties involved to a consensus. This circumstance allows athletes themselves to better prepare for the Olympic cycle.

The new calendar has been developed in close consultation over the past year and a half with all key stakeholders, including athletes, coaches, Continental Confederations, National Federations, major national leagues, key media rights holders, and commercial partners.

Another factor taken into account has been the importance of the club season, where international events have prioritized affecting participation. One such event is the Volleyball Nations League (VNL), accompanied by biennial World Championships and Continental Championships, which truly contribute competitively.

One of the priorities has been to simplify the qualification phases for major tournaments, reducing matches and access stages to competitions, making it more manageable.

The new calendar has been developed in close consultation over the past year and a half with all key stakeholders, including athletes, coaches. FIVB

The new calendar has been developed in close consultation over the past year and a half with all key stakeholders, including athletes, coaches. FIVB


The factor of rest and recovery has been prioritized in reaching agreement on the calendar. Avoiding injuries and setbacks is possible by reducing the strain, hence 50 percent of the international season is now dedicated to team recovery and preparation.

If we compare it to the Paris 2024 cycle, which had a total of 11.5 weeks per year, it will increase to 13 weeks for the Olympic year of 2028.

Efforts are also made to simplify some tournament formats so that fans can follow them more easily through the increasingly better available supports.

Ary S. Graça F°, president of the FIVB, commented: "In my over 60 years in volleyball as a national team player, president of a National Federation, president of a Continental Confederation, and president of the FIVB, this is by far the best volleyball calendar ever released. This sentiment is reflected in the feedback we have received from extensive consultations with all major stakeholders in the sport." "By optimizing the calendar, we hope that the best athletes and teams will participate in all major events. Moreover, with the World Championships now held every two years with the participation of 32 teams per gender, we are confident that more countries than ever will be able to host and participate in this prestigious tournament.

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