Seventh caravan by Cubans residing in Panama condemns US blockade

The Martiana Association of Cuban Residents in Panama (AMCRP, in Spanish) will lead the seventh solidarity caravan in rejection to the hostile blockade imposed by The United States on Cuba.
The AMCRP Chair Humberto Pérez told Prensa Latina News Agency that the present caravan joins previous mobilizations conducted in March, April, May, June, July and October 2021 to call for the end of the hostile blockade imposed by the US government on Cuba for over 60 years.
On this occasion, along with AMCRP´s members, representatives of the National Coordinator of Solidarity with Cuba will also participate, according to the activists on social networks.
In its seventh version, the solidarity caravan will depart from the University of Panama to tour main streets of Panama´s capital including the avenues surrounding the Cuban embassy and the Belisario Porras Park, where the busts of the National Hero José Martí and General Antonio Maceo remain as a symbol.
The AMCRP will also avail itself to draw attention to discriminatory migratory practices against their compatriots inside and outside of Cuba, which, in Pérez’s opinion, have a greater effect due to the US blockade itself.
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