Regional Italian governor highlights Cuba's help over Covid-19
The governor of the Lombardy region, Attilio Fontana, received on Thursday the Cuban ambassador to Italy, Jose Carlos Rodriguez, to whom he emphasized the island's help in fighting Covid-19 in that territory.
In a message published on Facebook, the regional Health Secretary, Giulio Gallera, referred to the meeting as 'an important occasion to underline the collaboration with Cuba, which made available a group of professionals, doctors and nurses for the field hospital set up in Crema.'
The interview was also attended by Gallera, the Cuban General Consul in Milan, Llanio Gonzalez, and the Consul in Rome, Felix Lorenzo.
Meanwhile, Rodriguez indicated, through Facebook, that 'we agree' with Fontana and Gallera 'in evaluating positively the support of the Cuban physicians in the confrontation with the Covid-19 in Italy. We share the health and human value in difficult times.'
The day before, the ambassador visited the neighbouring city of Crema where he shared with the 52 Cuban health collaborators present there since last March 22nd to fight the epidemic together with their Italian colleagues and met with representatives of the National Association of Italian-Cuban Friendship.
The island's diplomat praised the 'dedication, high professionalism, modesty and human values' with which his compatriots, members of the Henry Reeve International Contingent of Specialized Doctors in Disaster Situations and Serious Epidemics, earn the respect of all.
'No unhealthy campaign will be able to undermine them,' stressed the ambassador, who after concluding his stay in Milan continued his trip to Turin, where 38 members of another Cuban medical brigade are saving lives alongside their Italian counterparts.
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