Province most affected by Ian advances recovery of industrial centers


Province most affected by Ian advances recovery of industrial centers
Fecha de publicación: 
12 October 2022
Imagen principal: 

Although in Pinar del Rio(westernmost Cuban province) all the centers belonging to the Ministry of Industries ( MINDUS) were affected by Hurricane Ian, thanks to the hard work of their labor collectives and the support of other territories and forces, the recovery is progressing and is already bearing its first fruits.

In declarations to the Cuban News Agency, Edismar Saavedra Yero, general director of Development of MINDUS and appointed to head this task in the western province, said that more than 55,000 square meters of roofs were damaged.

The main damages occurred in the Basic Business Unit (UEB) of the Integral Company of Automotive Services (EISA by its Spanish acronym), where more than 40,000 meters of roofs were affected, as well as in the Company for the Recovery of Raw Materials, and in the facilities of Industrial Gases, Electronic Components, Phosphorus, Alastor (in charge of the maintenance of the hospitals' boilers) and Batos (sports industry).

He stressed that workers from Havana and Camagüey are helping in the recovery of the agency's entities.

So, after the passage of Hurricane Ian, there has been no rest and this was confirmed in Pinar del Rio by Eloy Alvarez Martinez, minister of industries, who exchanged with the affected groups, checked the progress of the tasks and made coordinations to speed up the recovery of the entities of that and other provinces, and social works, the executive concluded.

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