Palomas celebrates 21 years

Palomas celebrates 21 years
Fecha de publicación: 
27 June 2023
Imagen principal: 

This month, the Paloma project is celebrating its first 21 years. This project came to life as an alternative to understand, spread, and promote answers with deep social awareness for small groups that are as common as life itself.

Since its early days, as a very local alternative, Palomas has showed interest in the concerns of that marginalized side of society, which requires assistance for whatever reason. Now, it turns to be referent for those who need to express themselves and look out for, not only action, but also relief as the most important thing is not only to add, but to show support in isolated communities where individuals sometimes forget their important roles but lack mechanism to carry out a comprehensive care. That is why Palomas provides spaces for solidarity actions.

According to its General Director, Lizette Vila, Palomas was able to build an alliance with arts, so it has maintained its role as Audiovisual-Producer Company for Social Activism, addressing a wide spectrum of issues ranging from gender discrimination, familiar violence, disabled individuals, and the role of each family member for the community, praising each individual as fundamental.

The community, even its most basic environment, has to be grateful to Palomas because over these two decades, it has been able to make visible from the heterogeneity perspective, the stories of men and women who need reform, who have lived for a long time relegated by different conditions that go from their sexual preference, even rare diseases, and therefore need support and involvement.

Palomas stands out for offering a practical look at those issues that are of special interest and need to be exposed. It shows real life without embellishment, which is why its audiovisual products are so widely accepted because they identify and are capable of provoking feelings, and those emotions are the gateway to dialogue, reflection and action. However, the creator of the project, Lizette Vila, says that the main challenge is to achieve full understanding of what they want to express, only from the Cuban context.

It is a generous initiative, designed for and by minorities, and there is no more genuine plan to achieve an inclusive, healthy society, attached to human rights and coexistence. Its goal is to be able to contribute to social development, promote inclusion, equity and justice, give everyone the prominence they deserve.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff

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