In October, 25th French Film Festival in Cuba

With an official opening marked by an exhibition of posters dedicated to the new anniversary of the event and the screening of the film November, the 25th French Film Festival in Cuba—deemed the most important after the International Festival of New Latin American Cinema—will kick off on October 2 to 13 in seven of the island’s provinces.
In statements to the press, Cinemateca de Cuba programmer Antonio Mazon Robau said that the Festival includes 19 films, 12 of them in premiere and 7 scheduled for various homages.
On his end, Olivier Girón, Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Action of the French Embassy in Cuba, highlighted his enthusiasm for an excellent event intended to display the richness of cinema and thanked the Cuban Film Institute and Cinemateca de Cuba, with which France has developed strong ties for the benefit of the seventh art.
The program features movies like Les traducteurs (2019), Le petit Nicolas (2022), Le pharaon, le sauvage et la princesse (2022) and, from 2023, Chien de la casse, Anatomie d'une chute, and Une année difficile.
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