March for Homeland: Bolivia: Prosecute, to Erradicate Impunity

On Monday 29th, the March for Homeland finished in La Paz, led by the president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, and with the presence of former president Evo Morales, during which tens of thousands of indigenous people, peasants and workers - defying weather - expressed their support for the government and democracy and the rejection of those who try to divide the nation and enthrone another fascist coup like the one in 2019, sponsored by U.S. imperialism and backed by the Organization of American States.
"We are not alone, I am with the people and so we’ll continue, brothers, with the people," said Arce, who recalled that, in October 2020, the citizens at the polls made the decision to elect a government "of the people and for the people”, and questioned groups that don’t respect that vote and seek to paralyze the economy, which is being reactivated.
“Here we are all, east, west, north, south of the country, because we are all aware, sisters and brothers, that Bolivia needs to work, needs to get out of the crisis, needs to move forward and there are people who don’t want us to move forward, there are people who want us to stagnate, because they respond not only to their personal interests, but also to international interests”, he said.
Therefore, those elements, who for many years have advocated separatism, grouped in the Potosinista Civic Committee (Comcipo) and the Pro Santa Cruz Committee, commit acts of sedition, terrorism, and conspiracy, on top of daring to declare the leaders of the country, legally constituted with 55% of the votes as unwelcome people and give warnings to overthrow them through an indefinite strike.
Bold is also the case of the president of Pro Santa Cruz Committee, Rómulo Calvo, who said that "strong sectors, humble sectors, sectors that were with the Government like the mining brothers are going to be in the streets and they are going to overthrow this government."
The indefinite strike called by those elements, arrogantly called civic, took the initial pretext of the rejection of Law 1386 of "National Strategy to Fight Against Legitimization of Illicit Profits and Financing of Terrorism."
Arce and Vice President David Choquehuanca had already agreed to warn, at a meeting of peasants, that what happened in 2019 won’t be allowed to happen again, when Evo Morales resigned, and they called on the social sectors to defend the Government, because “what they have not won at the polls they want to uproot us with their mobilizations, paying the people (…). It’s necessary to think about it, it’s necessary to see what’s happening, because we are going to need them, sisters and brothers, we are going to need them”.
The head of state explained that the political right uses for its attacks the rejection of the application of laws with deceit and lies, because it has no arguments, and recalled that the doubts and concerns raised by its leaders do not apply and are not real.
“Do you think that we, who have left the town, that we are a government of the people, are going to make a measure that is going to damage the economy, the property of our sisters, our brothers? No brothers, they are crazy. Do you think that we are going to affect the interests of the poorest? No brothers, it’s not true. They are invented (…), we are never going to do anything that affects the people, the property, of our sisters and brothers, the poorest, the humblest”, he asserted.
He said that the only thing that politicians on the right want is to seek impunity for the acts of violence registered during the 2019 coup.
"What worries them is that their trials advance, despite the fact that our justice is very slow," he emphasized.
This destabilization plan against the government of Luis Arce has in the center a Santa Cruz that from Miami continues to be encouraged with dissimilar gestures, in which they seek to promote scenarios of violence with the participation of those who had already participated in the coup against Evo, which resulted in a cycle of political crisis with dozens of deaths, persecution of MAS leaders, corruption and a de facto government.
Since Arce assumed the presidency, details of the scheme behind the 2019 coup have been revealed, a conspiracy in which the United States participated, as it was discovered that they were planning to send mercenaries to Bolivia.
The Intercept media released phone call recordings between Luis Fernando López, who was appointed as Defense Minister during the de facto government of Jeanine Áñez, and Joe Pereira, a former civil administrator of the U.S. Army sent to Bolivia and designated as the organizer of a mission with mercenaries in the South American country.
The coup would take place on the eve of the current president's inauguration, as rumors spread that, upon assuming power, he would supposedly replace the Bolivian armed forces and police with Cuban and Venezuelan militias. That almost two years after the coup in Bolivia against Evo Morales other elements of destabilization are added proves the continuity of a plan whose objective is to achieve the overthrow of any autonomous government.
Recently, a video was revealed where the governor of the department of Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando Camacho, claims to have had 6,000 miners armed with dynamite at his disposal to overthrow President Evo Morales. The video is from December 2019, one of the periods of greatest conflict in Bolivia after the coup.
Bolivian lawyer Hugo Antonio Acha Melgar, who, upon arriving in the United States as a fugitive, joined the Center for a Free and Safe Society (SFS) as a researcher, directed by Joseph Humire, born in Bolivia, He was an intelligence instructor for the US Navy and with strong ties to the American extreme right. The SFS payroll is made up of former intelligence officers and analysts and its fundamental mission is to feed the disinformative media campaign and psychological warfare against Venezuela and Cuba, following CIA directives.
Additionally, for a few months, Melgar has also worked as an employee of the so-called Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FDHC), which belongs to the Cuban American National Foundation (FNCA), an organization of the Cuban American extreme right, linked since its beginnings to terrorist actions against the island.
Apparently Melgar is the favorite of Juan Antonio Blanco, its executive director, because despite not being Cuban and having been working in this place for a short time, he receives not only a large salary, but also preferential treatment.
This Bolivian mercenary has been actively participating in the smear campaign against the Cuban Medical Brigades, along with other NGOs, which also act as fronts for the CIA, such as the false Spanish Human Rights NGO Prisoners Defenders. But in his collaboration with the FDHC, he has gone further, also campaigning against the Cuban military, fabricating the false information of an alleged group of discontented soldiers.
As you can see, it is a whole sample of those who conspire against the Bolivian people, for which reason, for the time being within the national territory, the Bolivian justice must act energetically.
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