ILO Convenes Global Forum on Post-Covid-19 Recovery

Government, financial and labor representatives from around the world will attend a multilateral forum to design a people-centered recovery from Covid-19, the International Labor Organization (ILO) announced here.
Organized by that United Nations (UN) agency, the event will take place from February 22 to 24 and aims to increase the coherence of the international response to the economic and social impact of the pandemic.
Heads of State and Government, international organizations, multilateral development banks and employer and worker leaders will present concrete actions that contribute to this purpose.
According to the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, who will deliver a speech there, this is an opportunity to move towards a more effective multilateralism that “brings together existing institutional capacities, overcoming fragmentation to ensure that everyone works together towards a common goal” .
Among the topics to be discussed will be the actions and investments needed to support an inclusive and people-centered recovery from the crisis in all countries.
Participants will value the increase in decent jobs and inclusive economic growth, universal social protection, care for workers, business sustainability and a just transition to a carbon-neutral global economy.
The ILO, UN agency for the world of work, commemorated on Friday the World Day of Social Justice 2022 with a call to focus on post-Covid-19 recovery from social justice and the protection of the planet on which we all depend.
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