Ibero-American Summit on Accessible Tourism is expected in Cuba

Ibero-American Summit on Accessible Tourism is expected in Cuba
Fecha de publicación: 
14 November 2020
Imagen principal: 

Among the tourism programs postponed until 2021, Cuban authorities today recalled the holding of the Ibero-American Summit on Accessible Tourism.


Reports on social networks indicate that that year the Ecotur Travel Agency will be active with its calls, especially the most important, the International Nature Tourism Event (Turnat), and an appointment on accessibility.

Ecotur reflects this on its Facebook accounts. In a timely manner, the representative of the Tourism Secretariat of the State of San Luis de Potosí (Mexico), Claudia Peralta, announced that Cuba would host the Accessible Tourism meeting in 2019, now postponed to 2021 due to Covid-19.

She said that it is the Ibero-American Summit of Accessible Tourism of Latin America and the Caribbean, which deals with giving facilities to travelers with a disability to take recreational trips.

Peralta participated in the opening of the 12th International Nature Tourism Event (Turnat 2019) that took place at the Pío Cua recreational center in the Ciénaga de Zapata, one of the most important wetlands in the Caribbean, and hub for nature and adventure travel.

She reported on that occasion that it is a new modality in order not to isolate people with disabilities, but rather to facilitate their access to tourism, especially nature, along with regular travelers.

She insisted on the importance of accessibility, because governments and tourist institutions must take this type of task into account to allow in hotels and trails, the necessary facilities for blind or disabled people, for example.

Cuba begins its steps in this direction and due to the rise of its travel industry, the aforementioned Summit was scheduled. This event attracts the attention of tour operators and travel agents interested in participating, due to the relevance of the topic.

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