A Foundation targeting innovation and development
Since 2021, the University of Havana relies on the University Foundation for Innovation and Development with the goal of facilitating communication between the scientific potential of the University of Havana and the needs of the society and the productive sector.
IF we look back, we realize that this relationship did not come up automatically as there are lots of knowledge and researches treasured in universities and, yet, not all of them result in products, service, and valuable technology. It is impressive the number of researches not implemented in the essential productive transformations in the economy of Cuba.
That is why, a propos of the improvement of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation, the need arose to conceive a structure that makes the process viable. To achieve it, universities nationwide proposed institutional designs, and, for example, Science Parks and interface companies also emerged. Since then, the University Foundation for Innovation and Development mediates between the Schools, Research Centers and Development Groups of the University of Havana, and external needs.
Its more specific focus is to look at the management of the entire Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+i) process, identify opportunities, and in accordance with them, channel innovations from designed strategic alliances. With a group of tools and actions, the Foundation works to create or improve products, services, technologies, processes, as well as sustainable economic, social and environmental development.
Luckily, the University of Havana shows major research results in different fields of knowledge and, moreover, it boasts the skill required to manage the collaboration with the more diverse domestic and international sectors.
In the current Cuban economic context, the creation of new productive forms such as SMEs play a fundamental role. In this regard, the Foundation acts as a dynamic entity for technology-based development groups that can become future SMEs.
This is a young entity. However, in its portfolio it boasts excellent results related to projects in National, Territorial Programs and The Experience of the Science and Innovation Finance Fund (FONCI). All of a high degree of technological maturity. The Foundation has also organized Development Groups and Consulting Groups, and signed numerous contracts with national and international companies. In addition, the funds that have been raised by exports for academic services, technology transfers, professional services and international consultancies are remarkable.
Among the most brilliant alliances achieved by the Foundation is the one established with BioCubaFarma, the Photovoltaic Research Laboratory (LIFV), or the Canadian company Zeolite Corporation (IZC). Meanwhile, its main projects are the Agricultural Accelerator in La Lisa, which is of special interest due to its innovative proposal. In all cases, closed deals have been of great importance for Cuba in different sectors such as health, information technology and the economy.
Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff
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