Cuba’s exhibition, talk and concert in Bilbao


Cuba’s exhibition, talk and concert in Bilbao
Fecha de publicación: 
13 May 2023
Imagen principal: 

The Bira hall in Bilbao will be the scene on Saturday of the opening of the photo exhibition "Cubanas desde el corazon" (Cuban Women from the Heart), at the opening of a day of solidarity.

Sponsored by the Euskadi-Cuba friendship association, which announced the news, Saturday’s evening, on May 13, will include a colloquium, entitled “Cuba and Cuban culture, today,” with Israel Rojas and Yoel Martinez, members of the Buena Fe duo.

Afterwards, Buena Fe will perform in a trio format, with a guitar and a piano, to present its new album, “Morada”.

The day’s theme is “Gora Kuba Soberana. Unblock Cuba!”, organized by Euskadi-Cuba and the associations of the Cuban emigration in Euskal Herria, Sierra Maestra and Desembarco del Granma.

At the proposal of the Basque association Euskadi-Cuba, Cuban photographer Roberto Chile brings together some twenty artists from Cuba and the world, who show the protagonism of Cuban women in the labor, cultural, sports and spiritual fields, and denounce the criminal blockade imposed by the United States on their lives and human rights.

According to Cubainformacion, this European campaign is intended to be a cry of denunciation of the economic, commercial and financial blockade and more than 200 recent sanctions imposed on Cuba by Washington.

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